Module framework.cloudhelpers.deployments

Source code
import random
import random
import os
import time
import sys
import jinja2
import google.auth
from googleapiclient import discovery
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError
from . import iam, gcstorage
from .. import levels
import yaml

def _read_render_config(file_name, template_args={}, load_path=[]):
     ' ' 'Use load_path to set jinja env loader, if there are blocks in level yaml.
        file_name (str): Relative file path with name. example core/levels/leastprivilege/c1project/c1project.yaml.
            if load_path provided, should be file name only. example c1project.yaml
        template_args (dict, optional): Dictionary of arguments to use when rendering the top level configuration template using Jinja2.
            Keys should be strings that correspond to the names of variables in the Jinja template, and each corresponding value should be the passed value of the variable.
            If not supplied, the top level configuration will not be treated as a template.
        load_path (str): Relative path example core/levels/leastprivilege/c1project/
     ' ' '

    if not load_path == []:
        loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=load_path)
        env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader)
        content = env.get_template(file_name)
        if not template_args == {}:
            return content.render(**template_args)
            return content.render()

        with open(file_name) as f:
            content =
        if not template_args == {}:
            return jinja2.Template(content).render(**template_args)
            #deployment will faild if there are jinja blocks in yaml
            return content

def insert(level_path, template_files=[],
           config_template_args={}, labels={}):
    '''Inserts a deployment using deployment manager, importing any specified template files. 
        If template arguments are included, the top level configuration file will be rendered using Jinja2.

        level_path (str): Relative path of the level from the levels/ directory
        template_files (list of str, optional): List of paths of the template files that are used in the deployment configuration, starting with "core/".
            The names of the templates in the configuration use the filenames of the templates, not the full paths.
        config_template_args (dict, optional): Dictionary of arguments to use when rendering the top level configuration template using Jinja2.
            Keys should be strings that correspond to the names of variables in the Jinja template, and each corresponding value should be the passed value of the variable.
            If not supplied, the top level configuration will not be treated as a template.
        labels (dict, optional): Dictionary of key/value pairs that will be included as labels on the deployment, 
            and can be retrieved later using `framework.cloudhelpers.deployments.get_labels`.
            Labels are the recommended way to store any information that will be necessary for level deletion.
            The keyword "level" is reserved for storing the active level path.
    # Get current credentials from environment variables and build deployment API object
    credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
    deployment_api =
        'deploymentmanager', 'v2', credentials=credentials)

    level_name = os.path.basename(level_path)
    # Create request to insert deployment
    request_body = {
        "name": "thunder",
        "target": {
            "config": {
                "content": _read_render_config(
            "imports": []
        "labels": []
    # Add imports to deployment json
    for template in template_files:
            {"name": os.path.basename(template),
             "content": _read_render_config(template)})
        # If schema is present in sibling directory to template, import it
        schema_path = f'{os.path.dirname(template)}/schema/{os.path.basename(template)}.schema'
        if os.path.exists(schema_path):
                {"name": os.path.basename(template) + '.schema',
                 "content": _read_render_config(schema_path)})
    # Add labels to deployment json
    for key in labels.keys():
        if key == 'level':
            exit('The label key "level" is reserved for storing the level path of the active deployment.')
            "key": key,
            "value": labels[key]
        "key": 'level',
        "value": level_path.replace('/', '-')
    # Send insert request then wait for operation
    operation = deployment_api.deployments().insert(
        project=project_id, body=request_body).execute()
    op_name = operation['name']
    _wait_for_operation(op_name, deployment_api,
                        project_id, level_path=level_path)

def patch(level_path, template_files=[],
           config_template_args={}, labels={}, second_deploy = False):
     ' ' 'Patches a deployment using deployment manager, importing any specified template files. 
        If template arguments are included, the top level configuration file will be rendered using Jinja2.

        level_path (str): Relative path of the level from the levels/ directory
        template_files (list of str, optional): List of paths of the template files that are used in the deployment configuration, starting with  "core/ ".
            The names of the templates in the configuration use the filenames of the templates, not the full paths.
        config_template_args (dict, optional): Dictionary of arguments to use when rendering the top level configuration template using Jinja2.
            Keys should be strings that correspond to the names of variables in the Jinja template, and each corresponding value should be the passed value of the variable.
            If not supplied, the top level configuration will not be treated as a template.
        labels (dict, optional): Dictionary of key/value pairs that will be included as labels on the deployment, 
            and can be retrieved later using `framework.cloudhelpers.deployments.get_labels`.
            Labels are the recommended way to store any information that will be necessary for level deletion.
            The keyword  "level " is reserved for storing the active level path.
        second_deploy (boolean): Automatically start destroy level and recreate if set to True
     ' ' '
    # Get current credentials from environment variables and build deployment API object
    credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
    deployment_api =
         'deploymentmanager ',  'v2 ', credentials=credentials)
    # get current deployment
    current_depoy = deployment_api.deployments().get(
        project=project_id, deployment= 'thunder ').execute()
    labels = current_depoy[ 'labels ']
    fingerprint = current_depoy[ 'fingerprint ']
    level_name = os.path.basename(level_path)
    #render patched contnent
    content_patch = _read_render_config(
                    f '{level_name}_patch.yaml ',
                    load_path =  f 'core/levels/{level_path}/ '
    # Create request to patch deployment
    request_body = {
         "name ":  "thunder ",
         "fingerprint ": fingerprint,
         "target ": {
             "config ": {
                 "content ": content_patch
             "imports ": []
         "labels ": [labels]
    # Add imports to deployment json
    for template in template_files:
        request_body[ 'target '][ 'imports '].append(
            { "name ": os.path.basename(template),
              "content ": _read_render_config(template)})
        # If schema is present in sibling directory to template, import it
        schema_path = f '{os.path.dirname(template)}/schema/{os.path.basename(template)}.schema '
        if os.path.exists(schema_path):
            request_body[ 'target '][ 'imports '].append(
                { "name ": os.path.basename(template) +  '.schema ',
                  "content ": _read_render_config(schema_path)})
    # Send patch request then wait for operation
        operation = deployment_api.deployments().patch(
            project=project_id, deployment= 'thunder ', body=request_body).execute()
        op_name = operation[ 'name ']
    except Exception as e: 

    if not second_deploy:
        #destroy and restart deployment if error in patching operation
        _wait_for_patch(op_name, deployment_api,
                            project_id, level_path=level_path)

        _wait_for_operation(op_name, deployment_api,
                            project_id, level_path=level_path)

def delete():
    '''Deletes the active deployment. 
        Automatically empties and deletes any buckets in the deployment,
        and deletes all IAM bindings of service accounts in the deployment.
        This function should be called during level destruction
    # Get current credentials from environment variables and build deployment API object
    credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
    deployment_api =
        'deploymentmanager', 'v2', credentials=credentials)
    # Send delete request
    operation = deployment_api.deployments().delete(
        project=project_id, deployment='thunder').execute()
    op_name = operation['name']
    _wait_for_operation(op_name, deployment_api, project_id)

def _delete_resources():
    print('Deleting buckets and IAM entries')
    # Get current credentials from environment variables and build deployment API object
    credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
    deployment_api =
        'deploymentmanager', 'v2', credentials=credentials)
    manifest_url = deployment_api.deployments().get(
        project=project_id, deployment='thunder').execute()['manifest']
    manifest_name = os.path.basename(manifest_url)
    manifest = deployment_api.manifests().get(deployment='thunder', project=project_id,
    expanded_config = yaml.safe_load(manifest['expandedConfig'])
    buckets = []
    service_accounts = []
    for resource in expanded_config['resources']:
        if 'type' in resource:
            if resource['type'] == 'storage.v1.bucket':
            if resource['type'] == 'iam.v1.serviceAccount':
    # Delete iam entries
    if service_accounts:
    # Force delete buckets
    for bucket_name in buckets:

def _wait_for_operation(op_name, deployment_api, project_id, level_path=None):
    # Wait till  operation finishes, giving updates every 5 seconds
    op_done = False
    t = 0
    start_time = time.time()
    time_string = ''
    while not op_done:
        time_string = f'[{int(t/60)}m {(t%60)//10}{t%10}s]'
            f'\r{time_string} Deployment operation in progress...')
        t += 5
        while t < time.time()-start_time:
            t += 5
        op_status = deployment_api.operations().get(
        op_done = (op_status == 'DONE')
        f'\r{time_string} Deployment operation in progress... Done\n')
    operation = op_status = deployment_api.operations().get(
    if 'error' in operation and level_path:
        print("\nDeployment Error:\n" + yaml.dump(operation['error']))
        if 'y' == input('\nDeployment error caused deployment to fail. '
                        'Would you like to destroy the deployment [y] or continue [n]? [y/n] ').lower().strip()[0]:
            level_module = levels.import_level(level_path)

def _wait_for_patch(op_name, deployment_api, project_id, level_path=None):
    # Wait till  operation finishes, giving updates every 5 seconds
    #destroy and restart deployment if error in patching operation
    op_done = False
    t = 0
    start_time = time.time()
    time_string = ''
    while not op_done:
        time_string = f'[{int(t/60)}m {(t%60)//10}{t%10}s]'
            f'\r{time_string}Deployment patching in progress...')
        t += 5
        while t < time.time()-start_time:
            t += 5
        op_status = deployment_api.operations().get(
        op_done = (op_status == 'DONE')
        f'\r{time_string}Deployment patching in progress... Done\n')
    operation = op_status = deployment_api.operations().get(
    if 'error' in operation and level_path:
        print("\nDeployment patching Error:\n" + yaml.dump(operation['error']))
        print("\nSecond try of deploymnent")
        level_module = levels.import_level(level_path)

def get_labels():
    '''Queries the Deployment Manager API to retrieve the labels on the active level's deployment.

        dict: Dictionary of labels
    # Get current credentials from environment variables and build deployment API object
    credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
    deployment_api =
        'deploymentmanager', 'v2', credentials=credentials)
    # Get deployment information
        deployment = deployment_api.deployments().get(
    except HttpError:
        return None

    # Get labels as list of k/v pairs
    labels_list = deployment['labels']

    # Insert all k/v pairs into python dictionary
    labels_dict = {}
    for label in labels_list:
        labels_dict[label['key']] = label['value']
    labels_dict['level'] = labels_dict['level'].replace('-', '/')
    return labels_dict

def get_active_level():
    '''Returns the active level path by querying the labels of the active deployment'''
    labels = get_labels()
    if labels:
        return labels['level']
        return None


def delete()

Deletes the active deployment. Automatically empties and deletes any buckets in the deployment, and deletes all IAM bindings of service accounts in the deployment. This function should be called during level destruction

Source code
def delete():
    '''Deletes the active deployment. 
        Automatically empties and deletes any buckets in the deployment,
        and deletes all IAM bindings of service accounts in the deployment.
        This function should be called during level destruction
    # Get current credentials from environment variables and build deployment API object
    credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
    deployment_api =
        'deploymentmanager', 'v2', credentials=credentials)
    # Send delete request
    operation = deployment_api.deployments().delete(
        project=project_id, deployment='thunder').execute()
    op_name = operation['name']
    _wait_for_operation(op_name, deployment_api, project_id)
def get_active_level()

Returns the active level path by querying the labels of the active deployment

Source code
def get_active_level():
    '''Returns the active level path by querying the labels of the active deployment'''
    labels = get_labels()
    if labels:
        return labels['level']
        return None
def get_labels()

Queries the Deployment Manager API to retrieve the labels on the active level's deployment.


Dictionary of labels
Source code
def get_labels():
    '''Queries the Deployment Manager API to retrieve the labels on the active level's deployment.

        dict: Dictionary of labels
    # Get current credentials from environment variables and build deployment API object
    credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
    deployment_api =
        'deploymentmanager', 'v2', credentials=credentials)
    # Get deployment information
        deployment = deployment_api.deployments().get(
    except HttpError:
        return None

    # Get labels as list of k/v pairs
    labels_list = deployment['labels']

    # Insert all k/v pairs into python dictionary
    labels_dict = {}
    for label in labels_list:
        labels_dict[label['key']] = label['value']
    labels_dict['level'] = labels_dict['level'].replace('-', '/')
    return labels_dict
def insert(level_path, template_files=[], config_template_args={}, labels={})

Inserts a deployment using deployment manager, importing any specified template files. If template arguments are included, the top level configuration file will be rendered using Jinja2.


level_path : str
Relative path of the level from the levels/ directory
template_files : list of str, optional
List of paths of the template files that are used in the deployment configuration, starting with "core/". The names of the templates in the configuration use the filenames of the templates, not the full paths.
config_template_args : dict, optional
Dictionary of arguments to use when rendering the top level configuration template using Jinja2. Keys should be strings that correspond to the names of variables in the Jinja template, and each corresponding value should be the passed value of the variable. If not supplied, the top level configuration will not be treated as a template.
labels : dict, optional
Dictionary of key/value pairs that will be included as labels on the deployment, and can be retrieved later using get_labels(). Labels are the recommended way to store any information that will be necessary for level deletion. The keyword "level" is reserved for storing the active level path.
Source code
def insert(level_path, template_files=[],
           config_template_args={}, labels={}):
    '''Inserts a deployment using deployment manager, importing any specified template files. 
        If template arguments are included, the top level configuration file will be rendered using Jinja2.

        level_path (str): Relative path of the level from the levels/ directory
        template_files (list of str, optional): List of paths of the template files that are used in the deployment configuration, starting with "core/".
            The names of the templates in the configuration use the filenames of the templates, not the full paths.
        config_template_args (dict, optional): Dictionary of arguments to use when rendering the top level configuration template using Jinja2.
            Keys should be strings that correspond to the names of variables in the Jinja template, and each corresponding value should be the passed value of the variable.
            If not supplied, the top level configuration will not be treated as a template.
        labels (dict, optional): Dictionary of key/value pairs that will be included as labels on the deployment, 
            and can be retrieved later using `framework.cloudhelpers.deployments.get_labels`.
            Labels are the recommended way to store any information that will be necessary for level deletion.
            The keyword "level" is reserved for storing the active level path.
    # Get current credentials from environment variables and build deployment API object
    credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
    deployment_api =
        'deploymentmanager', 'v2', credentials=credentials)

    level_name = os.path.basename(level_path)
    # Create request to insert deployment
    request_body = {
        "name": "thunder",
        "target": {
            "config": {
                "content": _read_render_config(
            "imports": []
        "labels": []
    # Add imports to deployment json
    for template in template_files:
            {"name": os.path.basename(template),
             "content": _read_render_config(template)})
        # If schema is present in sibling directory to template, import it
        schema_path = f'{os.path.dirname(template)}/schema/{os.path.basename(template)}.schema'
        if os.path.exists(schema_path):
                {"name": os.path.basename(template) + '.schema',
                 "content": _read_render_config(schema_path)})
    # Add labels to deployment json
    for key in labels.keys():
        if key == 'level':
            exit('The label key "level" is reserved for storing the level path of the active deployment.')
            "key": key,
            "value": labels[key]
        "key": 'level',
        "value": level_path.replace('/', '-')
    # Send insert request then wait for operation
    operation = deployment_api.deployments().insert(
        project=project_id, body=request_body).execute()
    op_name = operation['name']
    _wait_for_operation(op_name, deployment_api,
                        project_id, level_path=level_path)
def patch(level_path, template_files=[], config_template_args={}, labels={}, second_deploy = False)

Patches a deployment using deployment manager, importing any specified template files. If template arguments are included, the top level configuration file will be rendered using Jinja2.


level_path : str
Relative path of the level from the levels/ directory
template_files : list of str, optional
List of paths of the template files that are used in the deployment configuration, starting with "core/". The names of the templates in the configuration use the filenames of the templates, not the full paths.
config_template_args : dict, optional
Dictionary of arguments to use when rendering the top level configuration template using Jinja2. Keys should be strings that correspond to the names of variables in the Jinja template, and each corresponding value should be the passed value of the variable. If not supplied, the top level configuration will not be treated as a template.
labels : dict, optional
Dictionary of key/value pairs that will be included as labels on the deployment, and can be retrieved later using get_labels(). Labels are the recommended way to store any information that will be necessary for level deletion. The keyword "level" is reserved for storing the active level path.
second_deploy : boolean
Automatically start destroy level and recreate if set to True
Source code
def patch(level_path, template_files=[],
               config_template_args={}, labels={},second_deploy = False):
         ' ' 'Patches a deployment using deployment manager, importing any specified template files. 
            If template arguments are included, the top level configuration file will be rendered using Jinja2.
            level_path (str): Relative path of the level from the levels/ directory
            template_files (list of str, optional): List of paths of the template files that are used in the deployment configuration, starting with  "core/ ".
                The names of the templates in the configuration use the filenames of the templates, not the full paths.
            config_template_args (dict, optional): Dictionary of arguments to use when rendering the top level configuration template using Jinja2.
                Keys should be strings that correspond to the names of variables in the Jinja template, and each corresponding value should be the passed value of the variable.
                If not supplied, the top level configuration will not be treated as a template.
            labels (dict, optional): Dictionary of key/value pairs that will be included as labels on the deployment, 
                and can be retrieved later using `framework.cloudhelpers.deployments.get_labels`.
                Labels are the recommended way to store any information that will be necessary for level deletion.
                The keyword  "level " is reserved for storing the active level path.
            second_deploy (boolean): Automatically start destroy level and recreate if set to True
         ' ' '
        # Get current credentials from environment variables and build deployment API object
        credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
        deployment_api =
             'deploymentmanager ',  'v2 ', credentials=credentials)
        # get current deployment
        current_depoy = deployment_api.deployments().get(
            project=project_id, deployment= 'thunder ').execute()
        labels = current_depoy[ 'labels ']
        fingerprint = current_depoy[ 'fingerprint ']
        level_name = os.path.basename(level_path)
        #render patched contnent
        content_patch = _read_render_config(
                        f '{level_name}_patch.yaml ',
                        load_path =  f 'core/levels/{level_path}/ '
        # Create request to patch deployment
        request_body = {
             "name ":  "thunder ",
             "fingerprint ": fingerprint,
             "target ": {
                 "config ": {
                     "content ": content_patch
                 "imports ": []
             "labels ": [labels]
        # Add imports to deployment json
        for template in template_files:
            request_body[ 'target '][ 'imports '].append(
                { "name ": os.path.basename(template),
                  "content ": _read_render_config(template)})
            # If schema is present in sibling directory to template, import it
            schema_path = f '{os.path.dirname(template)}/schema/{os.path.basename(template)}.schema '
            if os.path.exists(schema_path):
                request_body[ 'target '][ 'imports '].append(
                    { "name ": os.path.basename(template) +  '.schema ',
                      "content ": _read_render_config(schema_path)})
        # Send patch request then wait for operation
            operation = deployment_api.deployments().patch(
                project=project_id, deployment= 'thunder ', body=request_body).execute()
            op_name = operation[ 'name ']
        except Exception as e: 

        if not second_deploy:
            #destroy and restart deployment if error in patching operation
            _wait_for_patch(op_name, deployment_api,
                                project_id, level_path=level_path)
            _wait_for_operation(op_name, deployment_api,
                                project_id, level_path=level_path)